40th anniversary - Arnhem 2001: photos part 5: a celebratory dinner

Saturday night, and everybody gathered for a meal, at which organiser Ronnie Peters gave an address (below). In fact, there were so many people attended that the dinner had to be split into two sessions to accommodate everyone. In our session there must have been a couple of hundred or more.

Arnhem film 2 number 06

We met these two earlier on at the campsite, and they'd travelled all the way from Japan for the event, as members of Renault 4 Club Japon. Their names are Kubota Hiromichi (left) and Akira Mizorogi. The guy on the left took many photos at the event, whilst the guy on the right made brilliant sketches of everything he encountered. Quite how he made so many sketches, so accurately and so fast was astonishing. He even made one of all the guests whilst sat having his dinner. You can see him holding a postcard which he designed, featuring a girl and a Renault 4. My brother, who teaches in Japan, assures me that everybody is taught to draw this well over there. Kubota Hiromichi has since sent me a bundle of Renault 4 items in the post, and you can find some of his photos at the end of this review.

Arnhem film 2 number 08

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