40th anniversary - Arnhem 2001: photos part 9: in the middle of the museum

Around the centre of the museum were a second batch of Renault 4s including many vans. I think the vans had been designated this area and then the overflow of cars joined them. This first model is a very special Renault 4 Alpine Turbo, which has had lots of attention and a respray in black. The photo doesn't really do it justice as there were some quite extraordinary modifications, especially under the bonnet, including an enormous and bewilderingly configured engine. It's so big that a little piece sticks out the front of the car underneath the grille. The history of this car and many others, including plenty of pictures before and after restoration, can be found on Folkert Sikkema's website (see the R4 links page). The owner has signed my guestbook and adds:

'The engine and gearbox are from a Renault 5 Alpine Turbo. All petrol stuff is removed / deleted and an LPG injection system is controlling the (high) fuel needs of the car. Also a big intercooler is mounted and it has a little high turbo pressure. So, it is going fast!'

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This GTL had some unusual styling with additional yellow bars on all sides, and R4 lettering on the side panels.

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This one arrived by flower power. And it reminds me, a few years ago I saw a pristine R4 parked at the top of Brunswick Square in Brighton, England. It was a mid-light blue and had small daisies painted all over. I have never seen it again, but if you know who owns or owned it please drop me an email.

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Some of the many vans parked in front of one of the windmills in the centre of the museum site.

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There was a huddle of vans parked outside this building. More pictures from here will follow on the next page.

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