Queen Geanine caked in snow and ice, England, January 2010

The first Renault 4-Play photo update of the Teenies is one of my own, taken during the big freeze which swept Britain, northern Europe and other parts of the northern hemisphere during January 2010. The traffic passing on the reasonably busy road outside sprayed dirty, sludgy grey snow onto the side of my Queen Geanine, leaving deposits long after the snow had melted that will require a very thorough wash to get off. Icicles are clearly visible hanging down from the rear bumper and tailgate, and the wheels were absolutely caked in rock hard snow.

Queen Geanine seen looking very unclean by a passing friend, Hove, January 2010

Others were quick to pounce on the opportunity of capturing my preferred vessel of voyages in this frigid state. It was spotted (above) by my friend, Jason, when passing in his 4x4, and he probably thought he was being smug by showing off his superior mobility. Meanwhile, my parents were also in on the act, taking the photo below as further evidence, although they weren't going to impress me with any comings or goings in their Vauxhall Corsa.

Queen Geanine in a chilled state, Sussex, January 2010

In fact, I didn't bother taking the car out during the cold snap, not because of concerns about the car getting stuck (since the R4 can handle such conditions a lot better than most) but simply to avoid spraying slushy, salted snow up under the chassis, which will only lead to faster corrosion if not treated soon after. Some people like to thrash their quatrelle around in the mud, lake, snow, sand or whatever other environmental hazard they can subject it to. I just like to think that my car will still be around in another year to come.

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