Andrew McGraa from Penzance sent these pictures in. He writes:
'Had to show you this poor thing...GLJ 4E, 1968 model, someone took the top of it, my boss bought it believing it was original, when he found out it wasn't he drove it down the side of the garage and never moved grubby mechanics piled all our used tyres on top of it, it's been there for about 10 years now. I own the garage now and it is still there to this day, I do see it regularly...when waste tyre solution come and take our old used tyres away which are on top of it. It had a badge on the dashboard which I was from a show, it says RallyeRenault, WOBURN 25th May 1969...I wonder if any of your members remember going to this...may have some pictures of it somewere, would be nice.'
The steering wheel and speedo.
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