
Further images arrive from Roberto Alvarez in Uruguay. This time, the email is entitled 'De Montevideo A Bolivia'. The first picture, above, comes with the heading 'Quebrada de las Flechas', which I shall assume to the be the name of the place. It is located on Ruta 40 in Argentina. The second photo, below, is taken at the border of the Parque Nacional Los Cardones, also in Argentina.


Next image is entitled 'Abra Blanca', from the Provincia de Salta, Argentina.


'La Ciudad de Cachi, Salta, Argentina - a 2,000km de Montevideo.'


'Cerros los 8 Hermanos', from the Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina.


See images of Roberto's previous western adventures at entry number PP228 in this section, in which the R4 made it across the South American continent to the opposite coast in Chile.

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