
Star Car number 13, which may be unlucky for some, but certainly not for the owner of this beauty. It belongs to Asier Castellano in the Basque Country, and you can find additional photos of this car in the People's Pics section (numbers PP51 and PP68). He enthuses:

'the Red Devil is about to appear in the most important classic car magazine in Spain; We are great, we are the best!!!! no, I'm the best!!!!!!!!!!!! of course, you will be advertised of such an event!!! (the magazine is preparing a report of the R4, of course, they will use an elderly piece from 1966, but they leave a space for people's cars in which will apear the Red Devil without being a classic still, it takes 25 years to a car to be a classic). Now I have to leave, we will be in touch, best wishes, AGUR!!!!!! long live to the R4!!!!!!'

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